Harder than it looks

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I ain’t got this rhythm down yet. And I’m not entirely sure when I will. I assume that Iike many, I have poignant thoughts from time to time, while idling away in timeless spaces, scattered throughout the day. But no matter how accessible a notepad or digital device is, I’m not jotting things down. I think that writing is a bit of a chore for me right now. It kind of always has been. I’m slow to develop the thoughts properly into words. Even now, I just caught myself staring at emptiness and talking to myself until something catches my whimsy.

One of the difficulties that arises and inhibits my ability to even record the short snippets of inspiration comes from the fact that I need that complete and total detachment to surround myself in a cloak of metaphor and analogy to make sense of it, and then an equal amount of time to add color and gravitas. I know I can do this, but I am seeing now the discipline that it requires to implement this new workflow to my creative endeavors. It really just comes down to making the quick pivot, a priority. Maybe I can think of it as a shot transition, of sorts. Not a scene change, necessarily. Just a quick change of focus, to call back to the B story for just a moment, before returning back to whatever matter is at hand. I’ve never been great at multitasking though, and can get sidetracked and distracted by even the slightest tangential angle.

I’ll get back on this thing. I still have a whole lot lined up and I am gaining just a little more momentum each day.